It's just an incredibly beautiful winter day here in Southern California so I grabbed the camera and took some shots of my California Native plants to share with you.
While it is winter and snowing and plants are dormant in some areas, here in my yard the California Native plants are just starting to awaken from their summer hibernation. Hopefully, the promise of an El Nino year with lots of rain will come to pass and I will have a plethora of blooms to show you in the spring.
For now here's what's going on in my yard:

A rather appropriate name wouldn't you say?

The plants on the north side of the yard were ready to be cut back for the year today. But, those on the south are still blooming and pluming... at least a little.

I thought the Salvia plant in this area was long dead, but low and behold this little one decided to prove me wrong.

I was surprised to spy a few blossoms on this Salvia Bee's Bliss.

I lost four large lilac plants this year. I suspect Argentine ants taking advantage of the drought stress. But, those that remain are starting to get new leaves.

Some of the Manzanita bushes are beginning to develop tiny buds this time of year.

A different variety of Manzanita beginning to bud.
A few branches away from the last shot, I spied this little one playing peek-a-boo with me. A grasshopper, I think.
This plant is in the herb garden. It is not a California native, but it is drought tolerant. I just can't remember what it is at the moment. And the photo came out so nice I decided to include it with the others.
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I hope you enjoyed the garden tour. Especially those of you with a blanket of snow covering your yard.
Ruth - Tanama Tales says
It is great what you were able to find around your backyard. I think I have never seen a Toyon berries tree. But, I have heard the name from friends who are into foraging.
Audrey Humaciu says
Thanks, Ruth. They are HUGE bushes (several meters) and are covered in red berries this time of year. The birds love them
Aditi says
Loved the shots. Especially the last one and the blossom on the Salvia Bee’s Bliss
Audrey Humaciu says