National Donut Day is June 2nd and what better way to celebrate than to dress for the occasion... while eating donuts of course. Don't delay! rush to Amazon now and order today so you too can bedeck yourself in donut fashions from head to toe, literally.
I'm kidding about the order now stuff, but I do need to tell you these are Amazon affiliate links and I will earn a commission at no extra cost to you if you do place any orders through these links)
Tokidoki Donutella Headband
Sterling Silver Strawberry Earrings
Jelly Doughnut T-shirt
Circus Sam Edelman Purse (it says "go there" on the back)
CowCow Women's Donut Leggings
Donut Novelty Slippers
[Tweet "You can make a fashion statement by dressing in donuts from head to toe. #funny #donuts #fashion"]
Now on to the link-up! 😀
Featured Post from Last Week:
Each host has our own features ... but you will have to go check out the other blogs to see if you were featured there! 😉
I had a tough time choosing a feature this week because everyone brought such great stuff to the party last week.
But I finally narrowed it to two, both with a "memorial" theme to it.
This post about Golden Gate National Cemetery from Adventures in Weseland was very moving. Maybe it was because I grew up in the Bay Area and know the stories about Port Chicago and the "ten days that shook San Francisco" (nothing to do with earthquakes, btw).
And this post about Mom's Almond Puff Danish from Reviews, Chews and How Tos not only looks delicious, but serves as a reminder to write down the family recipes.
The Hosts:

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Lisa is an awesomely hilarious and authentic writer who marches to her own drum on her blog Syncopated Mama, providing an "un-labelly spot" for all the happily off-beat folks out there who have been wishing to find kindred spirits. She shares her adventures building a natural home, teaching her adorbs daughter, establishing and refining positive communication skills, camping, creating, cooking, and so much more! Lisa goes to Mexico in this month's Passport to Fun series.
Jessica is an amazingly funny and smart blogger from Wales who writes at Babi a Fi on a whole range of topics -- from entertaining vintage nostalgia, to technology tutorials, to book reviews, to raising her adorable munchkin, and so much more! Read Jessica's exciting news in this post.
Amethyst is a fantastically encouraging and thoughtful blogger, who shares new-mama adventures, self-care advice, book and product reviews and so much more over at One Sage Mama. Amethyst has a fun project to make your own personalized wine glasses in this post.

Now time for the new stuff!
jodie filogomo says
I think I need that necklace!!
Audrey Humaciu says
I almost chose another one, but this one had the bling!
Marilyn Lesniak says
Thank you for the wonderful party! I appreciate you working so hard to share other bloggers content. I would love you to visit #OverTheMoon on Sunday, #WonderfulWednesday or #ThursdayFavoriteThings so I can return the favor! Have a great week.
Audrey Humaciu says
Thanks, Marilyn.
Lisa/Syncopated Mama says
What fun fashion items! Now, I have to ask, would you wear any of it yourself? 🙂
Audrey Humaciu says
I would probably wear each item except the headband. But I would wear them separately. 😉
Patrick Weseman says
Wow, thanks for the feature and that really puts a smile on my face. That is so cool. I was "Made in Hayward" went from K through four-year university in the city.
Interesting items with the fashion. Believe it or not-my son has a couple pairs of those socks.
Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week.
Audrey Humaciu says
"Harvard on the Hill". Fremont girl here and probably close to the same age, so I know many of the places and cultural references in your posts.
Patrick Weseman says
Nice. Fremont has really changed over the last ten years.
Leanne says
I've never thought of donut jewellry - I'm a chippie kind of gal - maybe I'll keep my eyes peeled (small pun!) for some chip themed jewellry to really stand out from the crowd - who needs diamonds???
Audrey Humaciu says
I am sure I could put together a stunning outfit for you of chip items. 🙂
Donna Parker says
Another awesome linky party!!! Luckily I had a ton of posts about donuts (or doughnuts), or at least mentioned donuts - it was just hard to choose which ones. Ha! Actually, my latest mentions them too, hmmm, maybe I have a problem. lol 😉
Thank you for the fantastic party!! Nom Nom Nom!
Hope this weekend treats you kindly. 🙂
Audrey Humaciu says
You always get into the spirit.
Gentle Joy Homemaker says
Who knew there were so many donut inspired fashions!!!! Fun stuff, though. 🙂 Thank you for the party.
Audrey Humaciu says
I had a lot of fun putting this together. There were so many more I could have added.