I went for a quick ride this morning to buy the Sunday paper. I haven't been on the bike in over two months. And of course both tires needed air, sigh. I finally got on my way and boy did that feel ...weird!
Look, no trailer! After dragging it (25 pounds) and, more often than not, J and our stuff (another 40-50 pounds) behind me for the better part of two years I had a hard time feeling comfortable. But did I ever sail over that hill that I used to struggle up every day.
The garden is looking pretty tired right now. My summer edibles are nearing the end of their production and the California natives look a bit scrawny - totally normal for them this time of year. Not sure what fall plants I am going to put in, beets, carrots, arugula and lettuce, other than that I don't know.
And finally, I ran spell check on this like I always try to do and blogger made the following suggestion for manzanita:
That's just so wrong. If you know anything about Monsanto and large agro business at all,
you can probably guess I am not a big fan of said company, its products or its business practices.
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