Free printable "How Big is My Problem?" worksheet to help children learn to identify the severity of problems and how to cope when things go wrong.

I made this printable because we needed it. My son is on the Autism Spectrum and EVERYTHING IS THE END OF THE WORLD!
- lost something at school
- mom said good morning to him
- didn't get 100% on his math test
- there was a vegetable on his plate
- he had the stomach flu
- his grandfather was diagnosed with cancer
All of those met with the same over the top body on the floor screaming hysterics.
All children need to learn what is an emergency and what is just an inconvenience. To be honest, I know quite a few adults that need to learn this as well.
I found a few How Big is My Problem printables on line, but the problems weren't how I would categorize them or the solutions were odd. But, the biggest thing I didn't love about them is they were not specific to my child.
We are in California. Our natural disasters are earthquakes and fires, not tornadoes. He panics when he forgets his homework, but the ones I found didn't mention this.
So, I made my own in three different versions. Just click on the photo for the download you prefer.
Our completed one:

A blank one that can be printed then completed by hand.

A PDF form, just click in the box and type your responses then print. The form boxes will appear when you download it and open it in Acrobat then disappear so it looks like the completed one with your text instead.

I put the completed version in the front sleeve of his school binder so he has it as a constant reminder.
I hope you find it useful. Feel free to share it and use it anyway you'd like. But it would be pretty rude to sell it and not share any thing with me. 😉
Leora says
This is an awesome tool - thanks so much for sharing it!!