Pumpkins can be an essential, yet inexpensive way to decorate your porch for Autumn.

Pumpkins are now available in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. They also last quite a while if you don't cut in to them. Here are a few ideas to use them as an accent or a focal point to your Autumn porch decor.
Keep It Simple
Minimalists can decorate too. A couple of pumpkins and a planter of fall flowers, like in the photo above, can make all the difference in your fall décor. Add gourds and other interest to bring out more of the fall season, but keep it simple.
Vintage Country Fall Harvest Porch
If you have an old wagon laying around, or you can find one at a sale, you can make this look extra fun. Just fill the wagon with pumpkins, fall foliage etc., and you’re done.
Get creative with different colors and sizes of pumpkins and other rustic elements. I love the faded fence posts combined with the lanterns in this one from HomeTalk.

Blue is the New Orange
Typical fall colors not in your color wheel? That’s OK bring in fall elements with different colors (or paint them), and still end up with a wonderful fall feeling to your décor.
I love the colors in this blue and white porch from Home Stories A to Z. She has plenty of other ideas for Fall porch decorations so go check it out.

Painted Pumpkin Fun
Get several pumpkins (real or plastic), some spray paint, acrylic paint in a contrasting color and stencils. Spray paint the pumpkins and let dry. Then use the stencils and contrasting color for the lettering. You can put your name, Happy Holidays, Happy Fall, or even your house number on the pumpkins with the stencils.
Hint, dark paint on a lighter base requires less coats of pain than light colors on a dark base.

Get tips for white washing a pumpkin for a shabby chic look here.
Step it Up
If you have steps up to your porch then you can add pumpkins on each step, along with hay bales, apple baskets of fall plants, and more. The best way to make it look good is to use the different heights to your advantage, starting small at the bottom and getting bigger at the top.

Make Something to Last
No, you don't want pumpkins on your porch in April, but you can easily make decorations that you can reuse from year to year.
My pumpkin totem tower is reversible, jack o'lanterns on one side plain orange on the other. I spin it around in October and leave it like this in September and November.
My son and I are also painting some dried gourds we got from my mom to reuse year after year. She got them online "somewhere" (if you have a good source, let me know).

Pumpkin display ideas for your porch are plentiful online. You can get a lot more tips to help you decorate your porch so that it stands out for the fall holidays. Add a holiday wreath and some holiday garland to your door to make it all come together or let the pumpkins stand out on their own.