With all of the uncertainty in the world, there has never been a better time to plant a Victory Garden. It will provide you and your loved ones with fresh produce and improve morale as well.

Years ago upon the recommendation of my mother and brother I read Earth Abides by George R Stewart. It is about a man coping with the aftermath of a global pandemic in the early 1950s that kills almost the entire world population. Oh yeah, light happy reading.... NOT!
The book annoyed me for many reasons, mostly because I am not a huge fan of the post-apocolyptic/dystopian genre. I often found myself yelling at the survivors as they lived on canned foods pillaged from the grocery store and cows that just wandered around town because they had no natural predators (?!) FOR DECADES! At one point, 20 or so years after the pandemic, the main character finally gets around to trying to plant a vegetable garden. It fails, so he just gives up and they keep eating decades old canned foods. Mmm plenty of nutrition there!
The first thing I would have done after finding myself alone is get my hands on all the seeds and a good supply of mason jars and get planting and preserving. Okay, I probably would start with preserving all of the produce and meats still good in the market and then garden.
This is the perfect time to plant a vegetable garden
I have gardened since I was young, learning from my parents who learned from theirs. Even in my apartment days I had potted herbs when possible.
So, I might be a bit biased towards the necessity to have one.
Victory Gardens were started during World War I and II to supplement food rations and to boost morale. My grandparents did their part for the war effort by planting and tending their vegetable patches. It was just what people did growing up in the Great Depression and then into adulthood during World War II.
Vegetable gardening is great physical exercise, mood enhancing and you get fresh tomatoes! Seriously, if you have never eaten a vine ripened organic tomato straight from the garden in mid summer you are missing one of life's great pleasures.
There has never been a better time to do something positive towards your physical and mental well being.
Gardening Posts to Help You Plan a Garden
If you have never planted an edible garden, you may be intimidated. Don't be.
Even if your garden doesn't produce a single edible bite, the positive action and physical activity will do amazing things for you mentally. And you can compost the failures for a better garden next year.
Plus, I have a bunch of articles to help you create your own organic vegetable garden. C'mon, you had to see that coming, didn't you?

Instead of spending hours on end stressing out watching tv and getting the latest updates on your phone, take a distinctively positive action.
Unplug from the negative for awhile. Get outside in the fresh air and plant your own Victory Garden.
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