It's time for a little wine tasting party with our host theme this week on Friday Frivolity. I could have chosen from the oodles of great wine memes my friend at Draceana Wines posts daily on social media (if you are a wine lover you need to go follow them). But, since Lori and I are both "Poets" thanks to our college mascot, I opted for wine quotes from famous poets.
Real poets, not our fellow Whittier alums 😉
I like the last two best because they are not just referring to wine, but to life.
I think.
Maybe I need a glass bottle of Cab Franc to figure it out.
[Tweet ""Wine is bottled poetry" and other thoughts on wine by famous poets. #wine #poetry"]
In case you need some crafts to make with those wine corks...
Now on to the link-up! 😀
Featured Post from Last Week:
Each host has our own features ... but you will have to go check out the other blogs to see if you were featured there! 😉
When I found myself nodding with every one of the things she is too old for I knew I'm Too Old For This Shit from About Life and Love was going to be my feature. "If you want a stress-free browsing on the internet: Stay. Away. From. The. Comment. Section." YES!
The Hosts:

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Lisa is an awesomely hilarious and authentic writer who marches to her own drum on her blog Syncopated Mama, providing an "un-labelly spot" for all the happily off-beat folks out there who have been wishing to find kindred spirits. She shares her adventures building a natural home, teaching her adorbs daughter, establishing and refining positive communication skills, camping, creating, cooking, and so much more! Lisa shares her Easy Enchilada recipe in one of her latest posts.
Jessica is an amazingly funny and smart blogger from Wales who writes at Babi a Fi on a whole range of topics -- from entertaining vintage nostalgia, to technology tutorials, to book reviews, to raising her adorable munchkin, and so much more! Jessica has some exciting news to share. Congratulations on your new title.
Amethyst is a fantastically encouraging and thoughtful blogger, who shares new-mama adventures, self-care advice, book and product reviews and so much more over at One Sage Mama. Amethyst has some interesting news for all of you authors out there for an event next week on Twitter.

Now time for the new stuff!
Lisa/Syncopated Mama says
Of COURSE we would both choose that same post to feature this week, right? Snort! I love the way you think, my friend! #FridayFrivolity
Audrey Humaciu says
I almost went with something else when I saw your comment that you had picked it, but it was just too awesome.
Leanne says
I'm not a wine buff at all - it tastes like vinegar to me and I feel like I missed the boat when it comes to those boozy girly get togethers. I have to settle for coffee and a catch up instead.
Marilyn Lesniak says
Helen at the Lazy Gastronome says
Great party!! Visited a few amazing posts and a couple of ads! Thanks for hosting-have an amazing weekend!
Patrick Weseman says
I am not really a wine drinker but I loved all of your quotes. I might have to share them.
Thanks for hosting and have a good and safe Memorial Day Weekend.