When it is time to trim your grape vines, don't let them go to waste. Make these simple wreathes for decorating your home year round.
For the first time since I planted them 7 years ago, I have used all three parts of my grape plants.

In Spring it was Stuffed Grape Leaves
In Summer it was raisins and Red Grape Lavender Jelly .

Now that Fall is here it was time to cut back the vines for the year and I made a few grape vine wreaths.
freshly cut grape vines
twist ties or twine (optional)
Instructions for making a wreath
It is so easy. The only trick is to do it right after you cut them before the dry out and become too brittle to bend without breaking.
Take one of your longest and thickest vines and make a circle slightly larger than you want your finished wreath to be, then continuing wrapping the end of the vine around (over and under) the circle you created.
Tuck the end in between to secure it. Or tie it together with the twist ties or twine. Add more vines by tucking the end between two vines and keep wrapping.
If you have seen a grape vine wreath before you know how it is supposed to look in the end.
Leave it to dry out for a few weeks, remove the twist ties or twine, and it will be just like a store bought one.
Yesterday, I used some ribbon left from our Halloween costumes and a few decorative sprays I had saved from another wreath years ago to make this fall wreath for our front door. Total cost = $0
Next year I am going try to get more creative with the shape, but for a first try I was pretty happy with how they came out. I even made some smaller ones to use for Christmas ornaments like this one: