or What you do when you spend an hour on a brilliant post only to have it completely disappear.
I could rewrite it, I could cry, I could toss my computer across the room shattering it into a billion little pieces that I would then have to clean up. This is less effort.

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Sarah Eliza @ devastateboredom says
Did you really lose a blog post?? That happened to me last week, and it always makes me want to give up blogging altogether... I clearly have oodles of stick-to-it-ness...
Thank you for the laughs!! Love the memes, and your commentary. 😉
munofore says
I did! And it was hysterically funny. Or it was shaping up to be funny. And then I tried to upload a photo and poof it was GONE!
Krista-lee-Pfeiffer says
I think I would cry if I lost a whole blog post! Sorry that happened to you. But I love your sense of humor! This post is great! And thanks for feeding my Ryan Gosling addiction too! 😉
munofore says
Anytime I search for a meme Ryan Gosling pops up, along with a cat (usually Grumpy Cat).
AJ @ Aspen Jay says
Oh, I can relate to many of these! I am SO sorry you lost a blog post! Hopefully if you had pictures they were saved at least. Thanks for sharing the funnies. 🙂
munofore says
I was just uploading the pictures when it crashed 🙁
Thanks for coming by.
Club Giggle says
I think I would cry if I lost a whole blog post! Sorry that happened to you. But I love your sense of humor! This post is great! And thanks for feeding my Ryan Gosling addiction too! ????