Welcome to the brand new Friday Frivolity! The blog party for all things fun, funny, hopeful and happy! We go live at 8pm Central every Thursday night on three blogs and we want your fun and happy and inspirational posts to get the weekend off to a great start.
We are introducing a new twist to the Blog Party idea - Weekly Themes. Each of us will have our own take on the same theme every week. This week's theme is New Year's Resolution funnies.
Be sure to check out what Lisa at Syncopated Mama and Sarah at Devastated Boredom have shared for even more fun.
I am a bit cynical about the whole concept of New Year's Resolutions, so my choices tend to be a bit on the snarky side:

Now on to the link-up! 😀
The Hosts:
Sarah Eliza is on a mission to Devastate Boredom by living a life full of all of her favorite things... friendship and connection, laughter, books and music, furbaby love, minimalism, wellness pursuits, Paleo-ish cooking, and on and on! Curious about how to create a capsule wardrobe without losing your mind?? Check out her series here!
Lisa is an awesomely hilarious and wonderfully authentic writer who marches to her own drum on her blog Syncopated Mama, providing an "un-labelly spot" for all the happily off-beat folks out there who have been wishing to find kindred spirits. She shares her adventures building a natural home, teaching her adorbs daughter, establishing and refining positive communication skills, camping, creating, cooking, and so much more! Lately, she's been busy mastering the art of homemade cheese-making. Check it out!
Audrey is an awesome, eclectic blogger, who not only can cook up a storm over on That Recipe, but also writes at Munofore - "MUsings NOt FOod RElated." Munofore touches on humor, parenting, crafting, holiday ideas, tutorials, and more! Her latest post is an insightful collection of tips for researching your ancestry. Don't miss it!
In a fun twist, since we now have three hosts we will also have THREE FEATURES.... but you will have to go check out the other two blogs to see if you were featured there! 😉
My featured post this week is........

Top 3 Favorite Free Workout Apps from Megan at No Small Life. I might joke about New Year's Resolutions, but now that my plantar fascitis is finally healed (almost 9 months!) it is time to start working out more! I have only used one of these and am looking forward to trying the other two. I like variety in my workouts.
Now time for the new stuff!
This a link-up for all things funny, fun, encouraging, hopeful, and happy. That includes free printables, giveaways, and other fun stuff to make us SMILE and start the weekend off on the right foot.
If you're just here to have fun, skip the rules and start clickin'!
Bloggy buddies, thanks for coming to par-tay! You are welcome to link up to three posts, and old posts are always welcome! There are three rules only:
[Tweet "Get excited for #FridayFrivolity -the #linky for all things fun, funny, happy & hopeful! Join us! Hosts COMMENT & PIN "]
We're so happy you're here! Let's have some fun. 😀
megan @NoSmallLife says
Audrey, Thanks so much for featuring my post!! 🙂 So honored and SO glad you're healing up from your Plantar Fascitis! I've dealt with that myself and it is painful! Hope you have a great week!
Audrey Humaciu says
I can hardly wait to check out the other apps. I have used pop sugar (which actually was when I injured my ankle, but that was my fault not theirs)
Sarah Eliza says
Hehehe I LOVE the Calvin and Hobbs one! Great choice of memes!!
I'm so excited to be hosting together! You're awesome! 🙂
(wayyyyy too many exclamation points in this comment... going on an exclamation point moratorium starting now! Oh oops...)
Audrey Humaciu says
Thanks for inviting me! I love a good party.