The first week of April is "Be Kind to Spiders Week" so one of the Friday Frivolity crew thought it would be a fun idea to have a spider theme. We could do spider crafts, spider books, or share information about how spiders are really helpful creatures to our world.
I was not that host...
I jest. I actually don't have a problem with spiders for the most part, as long as they stay outside and eat the plant destroying ants we can happily co-exist.
My friend, Mary, is another story. Read her hysterical encounter with a spider that inspired the creation of what may very well be the ugliest cake in the history of ugly cakes (made by yours truly). It may look scary, but it more than made up for it in taste. Get the recipe here, but you can just make a regular looking cake if you want. ;).

[Tweet "Animals that are more afraid of spiders than you are. #funny #spiders"]
For those that are not on our mailing list, Sarah will be taking some maternity leave from the weekly party. She will be linking up and visiting and hopes to rejoin us as host when she is up for it. Luckily, Amethyst is joining us as a permanent host. The four of us will still be visiting you all and sharing your awesome posts.

The Hosts:

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Lisa is an awesomely hilarious and authentic writer who marches to her own drum on her blog Syncopated Mama, providing an "un-labelly spot" for all the happily off-beat folks out there who have been wishing to find kindred spirits. She shares her adventures building a natural home, teaching her adorbs daughter, establishing and refining positive communication skills, camping, creating, cooking, and so much more! Lisa's reviews the children's book Old Track New Tricks which is a clever way to inspire play with wooden train tracks.

Now time for the new stuff!
Marilyn Lesniak says
Thank you for the opportunity to bring so many gifted bloggers together! Have a great week and I hope to see you at #overthemoon on Sunday and #thursdayfavoritethings! Do something special for yourself this week!
Audrey says
Thanks for joining us every week.
Leanne says
Hi Audrey - thanks so much for the lovely feature of my 5 things Friday post from last week. I'm glad it helped in your frantic rush to catch up 🙂 Also I loved all those spider memes - they gave me a smile! I'm doing the April A to Z Challenge this month so I've included my "F" post in the link up today x
Leanne | cresting the hill
Audrey says
I have thought about doing the A to Z Challenge before, sounds fun.
Lisa/Syncopated Mama says
Ha! Those animals were hilarious. And I loved your sly reference in the newsletter! #FridayFrivolity
Audrey says
Once I found the polar bear one I knew where I had to go with this prompt.
Lisa Pomerantz says
Oh Audrey! These are hysterical memes, had me spitting up my coffee with laughter! Especially that Giraffe! <3 #FridayFrivolity
Audrey says
I'd like to know how the giraffe really got up there. ha ha.
Patricia says
These are great! Loved them!
Audrey says
Thanks, Patricia.