Our Friday Frivolity host theme this week is Kids TV Shows. There are so many ways I could have gone with this prompt: favorite, funny, best, memories. I have already talked about questions parents ask about Kids Shows and how Curious George is leading my son astray. Today I chose to go with what may be the most insipid cartoon character of all time: Caillou the Annoying.
Oh sure there have been annoying shows and characters on children's TV probably as long as there have been Kids TV: Woody Woodpecker, Jabber Jaws, Barney, Teletubbies, Lazy Town even Elmo can get on one's nerves. But the vehemence against the mysteriously bald whiny brat named Caillou (pronounced Ky-yoo) is a bit terrifying. And yet it is also a relief that I am not the only parent that HATES CAILLOU!
The kid is 4 years old and as bald as a bowling ball while everyone else sports a full set of locks. We never find out if it is cancer, or alopecia, or mom and dad like shaving their kids head.
Many people have tried to re-imagine Caillou with hair.
Two of the most disturbing "can't be unseen" hair dos

But the mystery of his hair is a minor annoyance compared to his never ceasing WHINING!
[Tweet "Caillou the annoying! Collection of memes about the whiny kids character. #caillou #humor #parenting"]
The Hosts:
Lisa is an awesomely hilarious and authentic writer who marches to her own drum on her blog Syncopated Mama, providing an "un-labelly spot" for all the happily off-beat folks out there who have been wishing to find kindred spirits. She shares her adventures building a natural home, teaching her adorbs daughter, establishing and refining positive communication skills, camping, creating, cooking, and so much more! She takes us to France this month for a fun family night with her Passport to Fun series
Jessica is an amazingly funny and smart blogger from Wales who writes at Babi a Fi on a whole range of topics -- from entertaining vintage nostalgia, to technology tutorials, to book reviews, to raising her adorable munchkin, and so much more! She has another great post for bloggers about Digital Inclusion that every blogger should read.
In a fun twist, since we now have four hosts we will also have FOUR FEATURES.... but you will have to go check out the other three blogs to see if you were featured there! 😉
There were so many amazing posts last week it was hard to pick one! Considering we are one week from the start of summer vacation I chose Seven inexpensive fun activities to do with your friends this summer from My Adventure Called Life.
Now time for the new stuff!
This a link-up for all things funny, fun, encouraging, hopeful, and happy. That includes free printables, giveaways, and other fun stuff to make us SMILE and start the weekend off on the right foot.
If you're here in search of fun and uplifting reading materials, skip the rules and just start clickin'!
Bloggy buddies, thanks for coming to par-tay!
You are welcome to link up to 3 posts, and old posts are always welcome!
There are three rules only:
Marilyn Lesniak says
I see everything but the linkup! I'll be back!
Audrey Humaciu says
Thanks, Marilyn. I discovered it when I came to add my own posts to the link up. OOPS!
Audrey Humaciu says
oh my - pancetta cream?! I am drooling over here!
Lisa/SyncopatedMama says
I have no clue about anything Caillou, except for some reason I knew how to say it...but after reading this post, I realize that I am lucky to have escaped all other knowledge of him!
Jamie @ Medium Sized Family says
Ugh! Caillou! Although, I think Yo Gabba Gabba is much worse than Caillou. I hate it so much. Our family still sings Lazy Town songs...in fact, my Hubby was just singing one yesterday! haha
Audrey Humaciu says
Luckily we avoided Yo Gabba Gabba. However I have to keep that on the QT since I have a friend that performed on the show, 🙂
Georgie Lee says
I can't stand Caillou and I don't know any parent who can. Never did get the appeal. Luckily, the Caillou phase didn't last long.
Audrey Humaciu says
It seems to last forever when you are in the middle of it though. Ha ha!
Kellie says
So funny. And his m, really is she for real? Obviously not, but no mom ever can be that patient.
Audrey Humaciu says
I know I am not even half that patient, but whininess is my pet peeve.
Jess Powell (Babi a Fi) says
I've never heard of Caillou - it looks like I'm a very lucky person! 😀 #FridayFrivolity
Audrey Humaciu says
There are so many great choices in children's television, and this one has it's moments. But it can be really grating to parents.