Welcome to the Valentine's Day edition of Friday Frivolity. We have two awesome co-hosts joining us this week so be sure to visit their sites and say howdy! So what do Lady Gaga, red rain boots, trolls and bullies have to do with Valentine's Day? I'm so glad you asked.
Have you heard that Lady Gaga is fat?
Yup, the trolls took to social media to body shame her after her Super Bowl performance. Really? First, where is this flab? Second, that was your take away from her performance? Third, have you nothing better to do?
Third Grade Fashion Police
Meanwhile in local news, according to the Queen Bees of the Third Grade at our elementary school, these red rain boots are for girls only.
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Yup, a few of my son's schoolmates saw fit to ridicule him for wearing "girls rain boots". I know I am behind the times fashion-wise. Did I miss a memo that says red is now exclusively a "girl" color?
Trolls and bullies
I'll never understand the trolls and bullies that feel the need to put others down.
J was confused when his friend was explaining to me what happened. "But, I'm a boy?" He still doesn't understand when people are making fun of him. Not only does it not register with him, he cannot comprehend being mean just to be mean. He was probably just annoyed they interrupted whatever he was thinking about to tell him about their fashion dictates.
Lady Gaga's response to the criticism was inspirational. She ignored the haters and encouraged everyone to love themselves.
I'm proud of my body and you should be proud of yours too.
The most important person to love is yourself.
Unlike my son or Lady Gaga, I would probably crumple under such criticism. There are others that would become so filled with self doubt from the careless hurtful words of others that they take things to the extreme by harming themselves mentally and physically.
Words are powerful. Choose yours carefully. Especially when talking about yourself.

Or as Lady Gaga wrote:
Be you, and be relentlessly you. That's the stuff of champions.
This Valentine's Day, and every day, I urge you to love and cherish yourself. You ARE worthy.
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Lisa is an awesomely hilarious and authentic writer who marches to her own drum on her blog Syncopated Mama, providing an "un-labelly spot" for all the happily off-beat folks out there who have been wishing to find kindred spirits. She shares her adventures building a natural home, teaching her adorbs daughter, establishing and refining positive communication skills, camping, creating, cooking, and so much more! Lisa's latest post is an awesome collection of resources you can use to teach your child about the Biblical story of Jonah at home.
Amethyst from One Sage Mama!
Now time for the new stuff!
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Amethyst | One Sage Mama says
Red is not an exclusive girl color last I checked. Don't boys wear red all the time? I think the boots are cute. Hope your son is okay with handling the bullying. People (not just kids) find reasons to bully others that are ridiculous. Even if the boots were hot pink it's not like a boy can't wear them. To each their own. I'm glad to connect with you as a co-host this month. Can't wait to see more of your content. ?
I loved the pineapple meme!
Audrey Humaciu says
The irony is we just finished Kindness Counts week and obviously these two girls didn't get the message.
Unfortunately, we have adults that think it is okay to act the same way towards celebrities or people they don't agree with.
Patricia says
I love Gaga's comment to be "relentlessly you". She's awesome and so is your son- and seriously rain boots of all things to critique? Not that it's ever ok, but rain boots? I love how you took all of these seemingly unrelated ideas and had a post about loving yourself this Valentine's. Awesome!
Audrey Humaciu says
If I didn't turn it into a post about loving yourself it was going to be a nasty rant post. And I would be just as bad as the bullies and trolls.
Besides, that's what these things are ultimately about. My son and Lady Gaga innately understand that other people's opinions don't matter. I need to learn that lesson.
Lisa/Syncopated Mama says
I actually thought red was a boy color - based solely on my students' favorite colors over the years (red, green and blue were the choice of boys and it was always either pink or purple for girls) and on the fact that whenever Gv tells someone that red's her favorite color, they look at her like she has 3 heads - sometimes they even say, "really? not pink or purple?"
Pa-tooey on those trolls!
Audrey Humaciu says
Red being a strong color was considered a male color, and little boys were dressed in pink as a lighter red. Blue was a calm color therefore female. How and when it got switched I don't know, but the whole thing is silly.
As Sarah says, wear what you love.
Sarah Eliza @ devastateboredom says
YES I am so aware of color choice all over again with the baby girl coming! I'm already working really hard to keep the colors around her eclectic, ha.
Brittney says
For years, when my sister was little, she wouldn't wear brown, black or green. Those were "boy colors" to here. My mom would get particularly frustrated shoe shopping. Even when they were clearly girls shoes--say brown fashion boots, she would refuse. It's funny how kids view things. I try to teach my older daughter that colors are neutral- wear what you like. I wish other parents had those conversations too.
Audrey Humaciu says
I thought we did away with colors being gender specific thing years ago, but some people have nothing better to do with their time. Like the adults that took to social media to try to tear down Lady Gaga.
WebMDiva says
Gaga practically has a six pack. I can't believe the lashing she took over her non-existent fat rolls.
But what has my blood boiling right now is what happened to your son and his (extremely awesome) red rain boots. Since when can a boy not wear red? I blame the parents or lack thereof. Who are the people raising these kids to be so damn mean? I so don't deal well with the bullying where my kids are concerned. It legitimately makes me want to go trip kids on the playground. Sorry, not sorry. Tell your son those boots are awesome and often times kids only say rude things because they're jealous. Assholes. Grrrr.
Okay, enough ranting for this girl. Loving your music picks too! XO
Audrey Humaciu says
Ha ha! My son couldn't care less. His friends were the ones that got angry. They always look out for him, which makes me happy. I feel bad that they care more than my son does.
Lisa Pomerantz says
Lady Gaga nailed it, stood strong and made mince pie of the haters. This world could use some kindness and empathy. Great post Audrey! Happy weekend! #FridayFrivolity xoxo
Audrey Humaciu says
I guess there will always be haters and all we can do is try to drown them out with kindness and empathy, right?
Jeremy Barnes says
People are cruel. I'll never understand what goes through the mind of some of these people. My daughter likes a lot of boy stuff and wears spiderman sneakers. I've often thought about how much easier that is than if I had a boy that liked girl stuff. Not that red boots are girly. Tell him that Daredevil wears all red and kicks ass. #fridayfriviolity
Audrey Humaciu says
My son dances to the beat of his own drum and can't be bothered to listen to anyone else. I wish I could be more like him sometimes.
Sarah Eliza @ devastateboredom says
Ugh, infuriating! Love the pineapple thing... the tough skin thing definitely has been important for me to learn for self-preservation haha. Thank you for the uplifting message for Valentine's Day!! Keep battling the Nasties and the Haters!!